What is this inner cry?
Date: Wednesday, March 24 @ 18:15:38 EDT
Topic: Father Speaks

My father died back in June of 1974. I was only 19 at the time, the youngest of three sons, and newly married. I guess we don’t realize it at the time and maybe it is the years of maturity or perhaps simply the fact that I am now past the age my father was when he died, but whatever the reasons, I came to realize that I loved him so much and wished I could just sit down and talk with him.

                Three years ago, some 33 years after my dad died I began to realize that every day I was missing him more and more. It had been years since the thought of him brought tears to my eyes, but now, I was thinking of him every day, and would at times just start crying at his memory. Why all of a sudden? What was going on inside my heart that renewed the feelings and emotions that I had towards his loss?

I began to realize what was going on one day as I was in the middle of a class teaching on the Father’s Love in Korea. While I was sharing that day on this renewed emotion towards my earthly dad, my Heavenly Dad spoke to me. Simply put, He let me know that it was Him that I was longing for. The Father let me know that the inner cry of my heart was really for Him, and I didn’t even know it at the time.

                This has all come back to me today as I was sitting down watching an old movie about a kid’s baseball team that had no coach, that is, until some mystery man showed up and became the perfect coach. Now I have seen this movie several times before over the years, but it never seemed to have the effect that it had on me as it did today.

                I watched as the coach disciplined the father of one of the players because he had been beating up on his son. Then I saw one of the other boy’s angry outbursts towards the coach who was gently correcting him because of his poor behavior towards his fellow players. In his anger and hurt, this boy yelled at the coach and said “You are not my father!” Sadly, this boy lived in a broken home, and even though he seemed to have the perfect mom, his heart was obviously broken at the situation he was in.

                At this point I could not stop crying.  As I pondered my own fragile emotions at that moment and thought about the reasons for what I was experiencing, I again realized what was going on. There was, and still very much is, such an inner longing inside me that is still crying out to the Father and saying “Daddy, I need you! I need to see you, to talk to you and to hear you speak to me!”

                The political climate here in the United States coupled with the many earthquakes around the world, as well as the endless reports of terror and terror threats, can and often does weigh heavily on so many of us. It seems that we sit back, often with hands tied, as things around us go from bad to worse. I believe we are living in the day Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24. And, I realize this. No matter how loud I scream at the TV when hearing these things or how well I might defend my personal thoughts or theology about these things with others, there is still that inner cry for Daddy!

                Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

                Just prior to saying this, concerning things He was saying to the religious leaders of His day, Jesus explained that the Father hid deep revelation and understanding from the “wise and learned” and revealed them to “little children.” It was then and is still the Father’s “good pleasure” to reveal His deep love and affection to His little children!

                When you look at these verses and meditate on them a bit, you begin to think of all the great truth and revelation the Father showed Jesus. Not to mention what the Father was showing and revealing to Him back in Luke 2:47 while Jesus, as a twelve year old boy, discussed spiritual truth with seasoned professors, and “amazed” them all with His wisdom and understanding.

                So what is being said here in Matthew? Simply put, Jesus responded to His Father as a little child. In other words, He truly came to and lived before His Daddy as a little boy! And furthermore, that was His good pleasure and the yoke He carried. You see, the rest Jesus offers us is in the example in the life He lived towards His Father. That is, coming to Daddy as little boys and girls!

                No child should ever have to worry about the next meal they will eat or the size of the monthly payment on the home they live in. Their concern should not be on earthquakes, political unrest or wars and rumors of wars. Nor should any child ever have to live in fear of violence in the home! You see, mom and dad were suppose to be the safe place children could run, like baby chicks to a mother hen, when trouble of any kind came around.

                This, my friend, is what Jesus understood and what He is trying to explain to us. When darkness surrounds us, when every report we hear is negative, and when all hell has to offer comes against us, there is only one place to run. As little children, we run into the arms of our Father. These arms are strong, warm, loving and safe. These arms are for you and me!

                Now I understand more what this inner cry is within me. It is the cry of a little boy desperately needing and calling out to his Daddy, which culminates with the inevitable, my running to Him. That cry is a longing for the only One who can be completely trusted in, unquestionably depended on, and who is fearless in the face of any problem that could ever arise in heaven, earth or below the earth!

                Yes, more and more I am realizing the great inheritance and treasure that I have at my disposal. I am not talking about anointing or power or supernatural gifting. No, I am talking about my Daddy! All things are by Him, from Him and for Him. Now, even if just a little more, I understand that song we use to sing back in the early days of my conversion. “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine…His banner over me is love!”

                Dear one, come today into the greatest and most secure arms the eternities could ever know. Come today as a little boy or a little girl into the arms of your Daddy and find your place of rest in Him!

Vince Mercardante 


This article comes from Father Speaks

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